Writing Daily - Thoughts after the first week

After writing daily for a week, I found out the hard part wasn't wanting to write or even finding things I wanted to write about. Instead, it is all the other things in my life life that crowd out what I want to do with writing. For me, this is cleaning, taking care of the boys and their school, working, and social commitments. As usual, I'm involved with far more than I realize sometimes.

Some thoughts as I take a small breather with this post.
1. Writing takes time.
2. To be intentional with my time, it is better to schedule it out every day.
3. I have to make time organization and scheduling a priority, or my own life will leave me behind.
4. "Little" tasks take much more of my time than I realized.
5. I look forward to the day when my work will be more of a vocation than a paycheck.


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